Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Foro Romano, Palatino e un manifestazione

On Wednesday we went to the Forum and the Palatine.  It was a beautiful day and there were hardly any people at the Forum or Palatine and so we were able to take our time checking things out once again and had a clear view of everything.

There was a manifestazione (demonstration) around the Colosseum, I think it must have started near circo massimo because when we were in the Pantheon we could hear chanting and then shots being fired ? tear gas.

The incidents below were reported on by journalist Michele Santoro from LA7 in

‎"Vermi, così lo ammazzate". Immagini mai viste. Ecco cos'è successo a Roma il 14 novembre! DIFFONDIAMO!!!

VIDEO -http://goo.gl/9Yn7h        

"Manganellate senza senso, tre o quattro poliziotti che prendono a calci un ragazzo inerme, un’onda di liceali con le mani alzate, qualcuno in lacrime, mentre gli agenti di fronte a loro avanzano minacciosi. Sono le immagini, relative alla manifestazione del 14 novembre a Roma, degli scontri tra gli studenti (molti con caschi e sciarpe a coprire i loro volti) e la polizia, trasmesse durante l’anteprima della puntata di questa settimana di Servizio Pubblico, la trasmissione di approfondimento giornalistico condotta da Michele Santoro e in onda su La7." 

The students demonstrating were mainly high school students and were demonstrating against the massive cuts to education, the result of which will be that many students will never be able to be able to go to university. Italy is really rapidly becoming a wealthy persons' world - it always was a bit like that but now it is way much worse.

I took these photos in Via dei Fori Imperiali. There were thousands of students marching peacefully and countless police in their menacing riot gear. Piazza Venezia was completey closed off by police and their massive vans.

The police love strutting their stuff and delight in intimidating people.  At one stage a few cops were letting some young attractive women through their barrier line. I love watching how some of the older women let hem have it they don't accept their directions without an argument.  A plain clothes cop pushed me out of the way while I was taking photos.

Rob said that he saw one older woman get really angry with the police for not letting her through to her house - I guess she wasn't pretty enough ;)

Needless to say, we had to walk quite a way to find a way out.  Trapping people in a confined area can't ever really calm things down. 

Students peacefully marching.

Che even gets a look in here -it is cited as being the most commonly reproduced photo in the world Guerrillero Heroico        

Lots of students with education related signs.

Pleased to see an antifa sign :)

It was peaceful enough for me to stand in front of the demonstration and take photos -as did many others




Tourists and onlookers mingled with the students
The crowd went back behind the Colosseum, there were thousands of srudents

The beginnings of a police barrier.  There were many, many cops in plain clothes.

Piazza Venezia was blocked off to traffic


People wandering around trying to find a way out

Plainclothes cops put on blue helmets -probably to make sure that they were safe from their colleagues' batons

The woman in the black coat and boots was let through, the others, not :)

It wasn't easy to find a way out
Checking out when he can have a coffee break

This is what the strikes are about -in English from the 
The Daily Beast

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Striscia la Notizia take 2

Once again we came across a Striscia crew while we were walking back to our apartment.  I shamelessly posed for a photo with Giampaolo Fabrizio, another regular on Striscia