Still really tired from jet lag and not sleeping well.
Today we went to the markets in the morning and bought fruit them wandered around Venezia mainly around Castello and San Marco. Most tourists are usually crammed into the same areas and as you move away from the Rialto and San Marco the numbers drop dramatically.
Gondola traffic jams around San Marco continue and the gondolieri have their work cut out for them with many gondolas stuffed to overflowing with up to six tourists packed in to save money. It seems that more often than not the passengers are large tall people. I can never understand why more people don't go for gondola rides in some of the quieter, equally picturesque canals and enjoy the sights and sounds of the canals.
There have been a few changes in shops that we used to visit and there seem to be more shops closed with an ever increasing number of "2€" shops and cheap non-Murano glass shops and cheap leather bag shops.
The Queen of Casablanca, an alternative clothes shop near Rialto has closed but at least another business has replaced it, many others remain empty.
The weather is beautifully sunny and fresh and is forecast to stay that way for at least another week. No big storms forecast for the marathon.
We visited family in Mestre in the afternoon and it was lovely to catch up with everyone. We had some very tasty home roasted castagne, just about the best we have ever had in Italy, they were yum.
It was a bread, cheese and fruit night for dinner. Can't believe it, we've been here for three days and still haven't had a plate of pasta, although Rob has had white polenta and seafood.